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예수탄생교회당, 베들레헴


The Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, Drone View


Jesus the Christ was born here in Bethlehem. The Church of the Nativity was built with symbol of the Cross. "O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie!" Jesus was born in the basement of this building.


The Church of the Nativity was built around AD 330 by the first Christian Emperor Constantine and was mostly destroyed-possibly during a Samaritan rebellion in AD 529-though parts of the original mosaic floor remain. Soon after, the Byzantine Emperor Justinian rebuilt the church in a bigger, grander fashion-largely the structure that remains today.


The place of the church of the nativity and Bethlehem, the house of bread is the home of all who need the bread of life, the bread from heaven. It is the home town of all kinds of Christians and all the members of the invisible church of Christ. 


Drone by AIRVIDEO,, music by BREADTV.


BREADTV would like to thanks the individuals for the use of the video and music from Youtube. Effort has been made to trace copyright owners. The writer apologize if the acknowledgement proves to be inadequate; in no case is such inadequacy intentional. 




관련 에세이: "예수님은 말구유에서 탄생하지 않았다"



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